A little introduction

Nothing I say will make a whole lot of sense. None of it will fit together. A lot of it will be from the countless stories I have created in my head. All of it will be from my heart. Please, read and enjoy. Comment with ways to fix my work. Don't water down how you really feel. Be harsh. I want to be as good as I can be. Help me achieve my goal.

27 September, 2012

Dear fucktard

To the douchbag on Youtube with the gall to call himself "tayronpenis," go to hell. You are rude and ignorant and your severe dislike for gays can be kept to yourself. But for your own information, AIDS is not a gay disease. It comes from mixing bodily fluids and anyone can get it. Gays get it more often because they don't think of condoms like straight people do. They don't have to worry about getting pregnant. Freddie Mercury got AIDS for this reason. And, in the 80's, no one knew about the disease because it was very hush hush. And I am almost okay with you disliking gays because you are entitled to your own opinion, but that is no reason to hate Queen. They were inovators and creators. They helped millions of people with their music and spurred a new movement in the music industry. Never hate a person for being more talented than yourself. Never hate someone for being talented. Never hate someone for being themselves.
Oh yeah. And some people are born gay. Scientifically proven that some people have different brainwaves and that is why they like people of the same gender. My friend is turning into a guy by taking testosterone because he was born with the brain of a male and the body of a female. He wanted to be one way but society and people like you told him to be the opposite. But now he is standing up for himself and being who he had to be.
So stop being a dick and judge people after you learn their hopes, dreams, desires, and who they are as people. Because that is what they are. People. Just as we all are.

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