A little introduction

Nothing I say will make a whole lot of sense. None of it will fit together. A lot of it will be from the countless stories I have created in my head. All of it will be from my heart. Please, read and enjoy. Comment with ways to fix my work. Don't water down how you really feel. Be harsh. I want to be as good as I can be. Help me achieve my goal.

17 May, 2012

Oh, to wallow

I spent all day getting dressed for you. I spent all day trying to look my best. I carefully picked out the most flattering outfit. I did my makeup just the way you like it. I did everything to impress you... but it didn't work out. I never even saw you. I was blown off again. I was pushed to the side like always. So now I sit alone at my computer, crying away my hardwork. You will never know that I cried. You will never know how hard I tried. Because I won't tell you. This is my secret. This is my filthy habit. This is the part of me I'm trying desperately to keep you away from. Because this girl is not beautiful, no matter how much makeup she puts on. This dress is a costume to make me feel wanted... but it was all for naught. This is my memory that you will never hear about. You do not know my misery. I hope you fall for my tricks. I hope you believe I'm happy. I'd hate to see your pain when you find out about mine.