A little introduction

Nothing I say will make a whole lot of sense. None of it will fit together. A lot of it will be from the countless stories I have created in my head. All of it will be from my heart. Please, read and enjoy. Comment with ways to fix my work. Don't water down how you really feel. Be harsh. I want to be as good as I can be. Help me achieve my goal.

07 October, 2012

That awkward moment when the person you need to see this never will...

Hey you. Yeah, you! I know we haven't spoken since... Well... Since we dropped you off that day... But I just want you to know that I'm sorry I was such a mess. I'm sorry for everything I did. But mostly I want to let you know that no matter what happened between us... Between any of us... Whenever I look at any of those stupid pictures I took of you, I still smile. I wish things were different. But life never does what we want it to, does it?